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(Check out more pictures of this Tassel Loafer in Collection )

I’m really loving these @ichigoichie_shoemaker #bespoke #loafers made in @bakerstannerycolyton replica Russian reindeer. This is the 3rd time I’ve worn them and can share a bit more about fit, finish and general impressions.

The fit is extremely good, which for a first time remote bespoke commission from Lee, is excellent! Loafers are difficult to fit in general, much less remote bespoke for a first pair. We did talk about and used an insole as part of the trial fitting pair which was to help with maintaining a snug fit, no gapping around the top line but still snug and locked in. This is with the insole in, and the fit is perfect! Which, yes I get that many may say well shouldn’t it be perfect without the insole? I guess, especially if measured in person. My view on it is that the insole is invisible in feel and looks, and it makes for a perfect fit, and confirms the last was only about 1mm large in the volume of the foot.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with the result and the quality and finishing is top notch. I’ll get into that on another post and video.

For now, that’s my initial fit impressions and I’ll share more as they continue to break in.

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